The average house price on POLGOON CLOSE is £367,742
The most expensive house in the street is 6 POLGOON CLOSE with an estimated value of £411,287
The cheapest house in the street is 5 POLGOON CLOSE with an estimated value of £312,969
The house which was most recently sold was 3 POLGOON CLOSE, this sold on 1 Dec 2023 for £312,500
The postcode for POLGOON CLOSE is TR18 4JZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 POLGOON CLOSE Semi-Detached £389,217 £225,000 8 Feb 2011
3 POLGOON CLOSE Semi-Detached £322,407 £312,500 1 Dec 2023
5 POLGOON CLOSE Semi-Detached £312,969 £230,000 11 Mar 2016
6 POLGOON CLOSE Semi-Detached £411,287 £87,500 24 Aug 1998
7 POLGOON CLOSE Semi-Detached £403,730 £235,000 15 May 2012
9 POLGOON CLOSE Semi-Detached £400,813 £246,000 30 Mar 2007
11 POLGOON CLOSE Detached £333,773 £60,000 30 Sep 1996